I would like to have the full version of Waku™. I am enclosing $25.00* along with this form so that I can get the full version of Waku, the Level Editor so that I can make my own levels, and the full manual in printed form. This registration ensures that I will receive free updates to the game.
NOTE: We now have a Post Office Box number to better facilitate handling orders.
Plese send your money and this form to:
Emmortal Software
P.O. Box 21217
Albuquerque, NM 87154
Make checks payable to EMM Enterprise.
(Please print clearly or type.)
City/State/Zip Code:
Phone: ( )
If you have any questions you can mail me at Mostrom.
* NOTE: This offer is only guaranteed through October 1992. After this the game may only be sold through Mail Order catalogs and other retail channels. Suggested retail price is $50.00.